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Diagnosing Bacterial STDs

Simply making an appointment gets you started on diagnosing bacterial STDs and finding the best method of treatment. The good news is that bacterial STDs are treatable with antibiotics, making it easy to wipe the infection from your body. As long as you follow through on the treatment plan, make sure you are getting tested regularly afterwards, and follow up with your doctor, you should be able to eliminate symptoms of bacterial STDs from your body. Some of these conditions, however, will have no symptoms. That means the only way you’ll know you are infected is through regular testing for STDs, like testing for chlamydia and gonorrhea. If you aren’t diagnosing bacterial STDs soon enough, the conditions can cause complications such as pelvic inflammatory disease, urethritis, infertility, and ectopic pregnancy. To let an easily treatable condition get to this point is a huge problem; getting treatment early will keep it manageable.

When it comes to STD testing, NYC doctors can get you a treatment plan that works. Their medical expertise is second to none and they have the highest patient compliance rate in the field. Whether it’s testing for chlamydia and gonorrhea or syphilis and an ureaplasma infection, these doctors will get to the root of the problem and figure out what is ailing you, even if there are no present symptoms. Since bacterial STDs are so easily treated with antibiotics, they have the best success rate of being cleared from your body quickly, keeping you from spreading the condition from partner to partner.

There are some more common bacterial STDs you may experience, including chlamydia and gonorrhea. It can present slightly differently in men as opposed to women, and it’s important to know what a case looks like. The sooner you are diagnosing bacterial STDs, the better of you’ll be in the future.

Chlamydia is one of the most common bacterial STDs you can catch. There are painful and obvious symptoms present in both men and woman; when left untreated, it can progress to pelvic inflammatory disease and cause infertility. Gonorrhea is another serious bacterial STD, as it lives on moist mucous membranes in different areas of your body. The infection can spread through different methods of contact, whether it’s through genital contact or through the mouth. Men typically show more symptoms of this condition. Testing for chlamydia and gonorrhea in addition to other bacterial STDs is the only way to get started on the right antibiotics to get rid of the infection.